
The EU-fix project is a collaboration between UMC Utrecht and Elekta. It stands for Elekta UMC Utrecht fast Implementation of X-ray therapies. The overarching goal is to develop, explore and clinically prototype new adaptive radiotherapy workflows for the Unity 1.5T MRI linac in order to progress towards real-time, MRI guided adaptive radiotherapy. With that, radiotherapy can be used to treat any moving tumour as if it is static, enabling higher precision treatments for further dose escalation and higher curation with less dose to the surroundings hence less toxicity. Within EU-fix we are working on basically all steps in the radiotherapy process, including delivery. So improved imaging and image registration to track anatomical motion and/or changes, dose accumulation and new workflows to exploit these data for frequent adaptation. To mitigate motion during treatment also gated and/or tracked delivery is addressed as is intra-fraction re-planning.


Anette Houweling
Medical physicist
Hans de Boer
Medical physicist
Gert Meijer
Medical physicist
Astrid van Lier
Medical physicist
Jan Kok
(MR)linac wizzard